Thursday, September 09, 2004

Eye of the Storm

We're in the eye of the storm, right now, where Mom is settled into a nice place to live, her physical health is consistently good while her mental health is diminishing a wee bit but still OK. It won't be that way for long, though, and we all sense that, and cherish what little time we have left with her. Sometimes our lives get so busy, we let weeks slip by without more than mere short visits or calls. When Mom is up to it, we take her out, but it's always a gamble on if she will be feeling well enough, or starts out OK and then has accidents while out. While it is true that we all end up going backwards at the end to a state similar to our childhood, the one difference is that we were much smaller then. Handling a large adult that barely can walk, and cannot change their underwear and clothes after having an accident is a much more challenging - and scarey - task to contemplate. You balance keeping them safe and dignified with trying to continue to share your life with them. It's a tough call sometimes...

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